Thursday, October 21, 2010


I was chatting with my friend via sms who told me the differences between these words, thus unlocking some questions in me which I've been searching for answers to.


(from the latin word 'persona', meaning 'actor's mask') - The face that one shows to the social world.

Character/real self (derivative of greek word meaning 'something imprinted and distinctive of the nature of a person or thing').


What we put on most of the time reflects our persona but not necessarily our true character. That is what I've been talking about, this superficiality. For the longest time, I didn't understand how superficiality is such a negative word yet I don't mean it to be bad all the time. The right word is "personality".

This world only sees the personality of others, assuming their character is flawed the moment they find something about their personality they can dismiss. This world blindly embraces those with "pleasant personalities" and forgets about how they can have a flawed character. This world sees things for their surface value, and people who try to be themselves (true character) will either put on the mask again just to fit in, or die unaccepted.

I'll die unaccepted but not give up hope of finding someone who will accept me for who I am. I do not know if that day will come, I'll only count myself unlucky if I never do.

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